
After a successful January Reboot in Punta Cana, we're thrilled to offer a summertime version in gorgeous Connecticut!

August is the perfect time to invite Nature to help us install new habits and create a fresh surge of vitality to sustain us throughout the rest of the year.

The Liphe Balance Center
Weston, Connecticut
August 6-11, 2019

Space is limited ~ first come, first served


My friend and colleague, Barbara Slaine, shares my passion in creating specialized retreats in exquisite, natural locations around the world.  Fortunately, Barbara's Liphe Balance Center is housed in her spectacular home, which is surrounded by ambling rock walls, thick woods and a delightful stream ~ it's another perfect nourishing refuge for the restoration of Mind, Body and Soul.  We will gather in this peaceful spot for deep rest and education about how to improve our quality of life.


We define Wellness as a balanced foundation of overall Body, Mind and & Soul health achieved through active intention. As such, it is the BEST antidote for stress, a common issue for all ages and stages these days.  For decades, Barbara and I have individually researched, studied and practiced countless Wellness modalities and have now curated the most impact-full, unique and proventechniques for you to practice with us and then take home.  Combining ancient healing secrets and cutting-edge technologies, these modalities will offer you rapid, dynamic change, leaving you feeling re-balanced, revitalized and joyful in only 5 days.  But don't take it from us - here's what just a few participants from our January program say:

 "I just returned from an Infinite Vitality by Barbara Slaine and Hope Fitzgerald. I definitely feel renewed and more knowledgeable about all the toxins I have been putting into my body. The love and energy from these two women amazed me and was very infectious. I felt a shift in the weight of my heart and soul, from negativity to positivity.  I will definitely be attending this retreat again. Carolin B., Biddeford Pool, ME

"Hope and Barbara have steeped themselves in looking at life in a new perspective that has healed a trying time in my life. They are a calming and meditative force which would bring you to a new state of being. I wish you the same extraordinary experience."

 Carole Hyatt, Author/ International Speaker, NYC, NY

"Thank you for a most wonderful trip from beginning to end. It has been a joy to meet so many wonderful people and connect in a way that is so deeply satisfying. I am in awe of so much wisdom and offering." - Tina K., Wellesley Hills, MA

"Thank you again for a wonderful, restorative retreat. I’m IN for next year and ... will come to you for tune-ups!" - Deborah B., New Canaan, CT

"You all did an amazing job- not just through your teachings: your compassion, enthusiasm, and spirit was clearly felt by all.  Thank you !"  -
Kim A., New Canaan, CT


(9-2 daily)



When we are in Nature, we return to our nature...
Earth to embrace your being,
Water to cleanse your spirit,
Air to inspire your mind,
Fire to ignite your heart...

Before there was "Earthing" and "Forest Bathing" (popularized by Japan), we were "Nature Bathing."  Studies have shown that spending time in nature quickly lowers heart rates and encourages the brain to shift into the meditative Alpha state.  We will guide you through daily walking consciousness practices to receive the most healing benefit from the natural areas that surround the Center, including the magical nearby preserve.

We will focus each day on a different element (Fire, Air, Earth and Water), recognizing their qualities both within and around us.  Working with the elements strengthens us and gives us clues about which ones need bolstering in our systems.  



 Every morning, we will quiet the mind with the enveloping tones of the crystal bowl during a guided Infinity Wave meditation.


Next, we will invite the body to release any stagnancy through integrative breath work and Qigong, which virtually anyone can do.  Easier than yoga, the ancient practice of Qigong stimulates the body's meridians, enhances relaxation and mental clarity, and generally brings the field back into balance.



The workshop portion of the retreat includes sharing volumes of cutting-edge information for the development of Body, Mind and Spirit that will truly "wow" each person.  Each participant will be given a workbook with the reference materials and recipes in order to maintain the new good habits.



Before our daily lunch, we will offer a taste treat called the Liquid Feast!  When the body is too acidic, it becomes inflamed and chaotic, which creates a challenge to feel pain-free, healthy and peaceful.  The Liquid Feast is a collection of easy-to-make, delicious soups and smoothies using organic fruits and vegetables, which provide essential minerals, nutrients and oils to gently bring the body out of inflammation and into balance and harmony.  We will present samples and lectures on the Liquid Feast nutritional program and recipes will be provided in workbooks.  Benefits include: Renewed energy ∞ Elimination of harmful toxins ∞ Fewer aches & pains ∞ Weight loss without cravings ∞ Clearer thinking ∞ Better digestion ∞ Better sleep...

Note: This retreat is not a juice fast ~
there will be plenty of delicious, healthy food to be enjoyed!


To hold someone as your object of attention while your connected to source energy, is the greatest gift anyone can give."   Esther Hicks 

Our Infinite Vitality Wellness in the Woods Retreat will not only include the activities mentioned above but will also offer alá carte cutting-edge healing modalities that are designed to replenish, uplift and inspire you to greater heights.  Every afternoon after lunch, you can either relax by the pool, take a walk, or choose from the options below:


(at an additional charge of $100 per session)

Scroll down for more details about:

  • Chiren Biophoton Instrument with David - use of light (biophotons) to balance & heal body and emotions

  • Nutritional and Lifestyle Counseling with Barbara - guidance about how choices affect the body, mind and spirit

  • Dowsing/Counseling with Hope - help in making decisions, discovery of your true path and guidance about how to achieve it

  • Transformational Healing Sessions with Hope - energetically cleansing out the old, welcoming in the new

  • Tandem Reiki with Barbara & Sue - 2 practitioners provide Reiki for ultimate peace

  • NEW!  Bemer Mat - 20 min sessions of PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) increases micro-circulation, and reduces inflammation and pain (no charge)

  • NEW!  Photon Sound Beam Machine - 20 min sessions on this energy medicine device that harnesses electricity to enliven healthy cells whilst stimulating lymphatic drainage and denaturing pathogens such as molds, yeasts, fungi, parasites, bacteria, viruses, etc. Stagnation is stimulated and dissolved; cellular waste is shaken up and out of the interstices of the tissues for elimination.  (no charge)

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David Beatty, formerly the Director of Strategy at Cadbury/Schweppes, overcame major health obstacles to become the maestro of the Chiren BioPhoton Instrument, which is quite popular in Europe but rarely found in the U.S.  We are all made of light, or Biophotons, and when a body’s light is chaotic, it indicates stressors, possibly caused by toxins, heavy metals, bacteria, and pesticides, etc.  The non-invasive Chiren inverts the biophotons to neutralize a disturbing signal and, guided by the person’s responses, allows the body to restore its own physical and emotional self-healing system.   Miraculous outcomes have occurred and we believe the Chiren significantly helps to correct disruption and restore organization to the body's naturally harmonious flow.   Many clients have experienced dramatic positive changes after one or two sessions.


Barbara Slaine has been passionate about health and medicine since attending The Eastern School for Physician’s Assistants in her early twenties.  Since that time she has been a student of spirit-mind-body therapies and has obtained certifications in an array of holistic healing modalities including Nutrition and Reiki.  Barbara is the founder of the Liphe Balance Center in Weston, CT, a community haven for assisting people on their journey to well-being.  Her center hosts reputable teachers, authors and practitioners from around the world who share their knowledge and provide resources and insights into health.  Here she started her Liquid Feast program and also founded, a public service website offering information on everything from stress management, music therapy, and inspirational books to holistic and alternative options for people diagnosed with cancer.  She is dedicated to helping people navigate life’s transitions and beyond by guiding them towards the most conscientious, safe, and effective options available. To this end, she founded 


For over 20 years, Hope Fitzgerald has been a Spiritual Coach, Intuitive Conduit and Healer, helping people to transform their lives.  In 2010, she launched the Wave Energy Center for Conscious Evolution in Great Barrington, MA, dedicated to the positive, expansive development of the individual, the community and the Earth. Hope has led many workshops and appeared on dozens of international internet and radio shows, continuing to fulfill her mission to encourage individual and planetary awakening. She also guides groups to potent areas around the world, including Peru, Easter Island, South Africa, France, England, Ireland, Wales and various U.S. locations.  During these soul-filled adventures, she teaches ways to communicate with the landscapes, believing that when the powerhouse of the human heart interacts with a highly-charged site, an alchemy occurs that is guaranteed to cause a shift in consciousness.  Hope also offers her services as an Intuitive Dowser, a certified Neurofeedback Practitioner, and a "crossover midwife," incorporating sound, Reiki and essential oils into her work.  Hope's healing works in multiple ways: as an Intuitive Conduit, she uses dowsing L-rods to access Universal intelligence to guide people in their choice-making; as an Intuitive Healer, she receives guidance from unseen hands to deliver energy to a person's body and soul, often resulting in an increased sense of well-being and overall peace.

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Barbara and Sue Broudy will be providing Tandem Reiki sessions.  Guided by spirit and the energy of love, their sessions include intention-setting as well as discussion before and after the hands-on Reiki healing.

The Liphe Balance Center is a community gathering space dedicated to bring teachings and knowledge to empower and nourish the mind, body and soul for optimal healing and transformation and freedom.



$950 per person


Includes Breakfast & Lunch
Infinite Vitality Program & Materials
1 Session of your choice with either David, Hope or Barbara

There are 3 Bedrooms (bathrooms en-suite) available at $100 pp per night sharing a King bed  
Single supplement: add $80

(Other lodging available nearby - we will provide information as needed)

Your non-refundable deposit of $500 holds your spot.

Deadline for sign-ups:  7/6/19

To indicate your interest, please CLICK the logo below: