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Tandem Reiki

TANDEM REIKI - One Hour Session $110

Guided by spirit and the energy of love, this one hour session includes intention-setting as well as discussion before and after 30 minutes of hands-on Reiki. We close with time to share, process and ground. 

REIKIAPY - 90 Minute Session $160

This extended, integrative process employs both Synergistic Therapy and Tandem Reiki.  Explore current personal experiences and examine them on all levels, including lifestyle, self-care, nutrition, belief systems andthought processes.

Barbara Slaine is a Holistic Nutritionist, Certified End-of-life Doula, Master Reiki Practitioner, and Synergistic Therapist.

Sue Broudy is a Singer Songwriter, Master Reiki Practitioner, Certified End-of life-Doula and children’s book author.

For an appointment, please contact Barbara here.

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A Study from Harvard University reported that a single session of Reiki significantly improved pain, anxiety, depression, nausea, and fatigue. @drnatalietrent