End of Life



End of Life Planning - Participation, Preparation, Presence… and Peace

Barbara Slaine and Sue Broudy

End-of-life Doulas, Guides for Conscious Dying, and Reiki Masters

Often, a lack of end-of-life planning can result in chaos and a loss of valuable resources at this most precious time to unite with your loved ones. The stressors of waiting until the last moment to know what to do or how to proceed can be avoided.  Your death has a ripple effect for your entire family and can become a gift if done consciously, and we can help with this beautiful subject.  This information is not only timely, it is a subject we all have in common, and know on some level we can help others and ourselves in a significant way.

Sue Broudy and Barbara Slaine are certified end-of-life doulas, hospice trained, Master Reiki practitioners, and educated in many modalities including:  Buddhist Clearlight Society, Aryuvedic practices, anointment oils, sound healing, and more.  We want to share our Top Tips with you.  Our offering is a 3-series compilation of our studies, training and services to share the pearls of wisdom to assist your loved ones, and yourself, through this sacred time.

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Barbara Slaine has been passionate about health and medicine since attending The Eastern School for Physician’s Assistants in her early twenties. Since that time she has been a life-long student of spirit-mind-body therapies and has obtained certifications in an array of holistic healing modalities, is a Holistic Nutritionist,Master Reiki Practitioner,End-of-Life Doula,and a synergistic energy therapist.. She is the founder of the Liphe Balance Center in Weston, CT, a community haven for assisting people on their journey to wellbeing.

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Sue Broudy is a Singer Songwriter, Reiki Master and Certified End-of-Life Doula. Sue has self-published a children’s book and song that stemmed from her doula work entitled Rosie, Leafers & PawPaw to help open the conversation with children about transitioning, being just another part of life. Sue served on the board of WestonArts.org and was the founder of AcousticWeston. Sue received her doula training with the International End of Life Doula Association (INELDA) and received training at the Regional Hospice and Palliative Care Center in Danbury, CT. Sue also trained with the Buddhist Clear Light Society, and the Bhakti Center in NY with their chaplain. She was recently showcased on WOSRadio.com as a female songwriter of substance. Sue also leads sound workshops and impromptu musical gatherings for healing. She is working on two more children’s book, How to Be a BEE, and Otto’s Owl, and lives in Connecticut.

Please also visit our site Conscious Dying Matters.

Life, Death And The Moments In Between

by Barbara Slaine and Sue Broudy

Who wants to talk about death, right? We are living, so why broach such a morbid, uncomfortable subject? By discussing it, many things are accomplished. First and foremost is the immediate reflection and appreciation for life, living, the moment, death as the great equalizer, what we all have in common, a slap to the ego and a dose of medicinal humility. 

Not unlike a birth doula, it is possible for us to learn to be a death doula and make this transition much more comfortable. We are alive until our last breath, and every moment is an opportunity; there is no dying, we live and leave.

Born out of a deep desire to honor and respect the needs of individuals and their families during this time, a new program, “Illuminate the Path,” draws upon a number of modalities that train, educate and open the conversation. These conversations, or “conscious collaborations,” lead us to an awareness of options and choices for a more enriched and graceful passage.

Research has shown 95 percent of people would choose to die at home, surrounded by their loved ones, but, sadly, 75 percent die in hospitals or nursing homes. There is a need to present options for this time, so that the human experience of dying is met with reverence, grace and integrity for all.

Patients and their families need to get their affairs in order, learn about their options, participate and take responsibility, choose the right health care proxies and much more. It is recommended to learn what is helpful at this time for yourself and loved ones. Start exploring how to be in the moment, now and then. Be aware of just being and not doing, and respecting the wishes and differences of others.

By discussing transitioning, you can plan ahead, so at the end chaos is replaced by being present with loved ones at the sacred time. The ripple effect of a loved one’s transitioning can be a beacon for you, offering a level of peace instead of fear.

Barbara Slaine and Sue Broudy are hospice workers, end-of-life doulas and energy workers. To learn more about their Illuminate the Path program, or for an exploratory conversation, consults, home visits, groups and educational opportunities, call 203-912-2791.

